
Directx 9 or 11
Directx 9 or 11

directx 9 or 11

at the cost of running a buggy implementation of a DX11 renderer - just look around the forums and you'll see many people see glitches here and there (myself included). In short, you get some extra potential for improved graphics. it doesn't produce any visual differences, it just makes it so that scenes with multiple lights are better optimized, among other optimizations that aren't noticed to the eye). What exactly does DX11 for UDK do / what do you gain? it allows you to use some DX11-specific features: hardware tessellation, subsurface scattering, image-based reflections, bokeh depth of field, and deferred shading (this last one isn't something you need to enable or tweak, it's just there. both the DX11 and DX9 renderers are included in your packaged game's executables and unless you force your installed exe to run in DX11 mode (via command line), it will run in DX9 by default. Cooking/compiling everything "in DirectX11" isn't something you can choose.

Directx 9 or 11